
As EU citizens located in Costa Rica, the team of Aquamark consultants uniquely situated to create viable and productive partnerships with Latin American and German (or EU) companies, who can then access additional monies from public organizations in Europe for environmental, social and educational projects. With our years of technical and managerial experience and our intimate knowledge of all stakeholders on both continents, we have a successful history of turning sustainable development projects ( into profitable ventures for all involved.  See all our prices here.

The public grant of BMZ for country projects may amount to a maximum 50% of the total project costs, with a top limit of 200,000 EUR per project. Regional projects starting from a minimum investment of 750.000€. Projects may encompass some of the following fields:

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  • Water
  • Energy
  • Vocational Education
  • Rural Development
  • Environment
  • Renewable Energies
  • Climate Change
  • And other sectors

What can we do for you as a private partner to create successful projects?

  • Brainstorm and analyze your initial idea to run a new market in Latin America
  • In partnership with you, we develop a a business plan that serves both your commercial interests and the local development
  • Choose the most appropriate public partner
  • Develop the project proposal and application
  • Design the the project plan, budget and timeline
  • Coordinate and negotiate support with your chosen public partner

What are the next steps?

  • Monitoring of all relevant processes (budget, time schedule, communication)
  • Project Implementation

Applications can be submitted quarterly and are selected based on ideas and project outlines. Submissions are made to one of the following public partners:

GIZ:  German Corporation for International Cooperation

logo "GIZ activities operate at the interface between public institutions, the private sector and civil society." Costa Rica is a partner country in German international cooperation. GIZ has been working there on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) since the early 1990s. There are currently 24 GIZ staff members and CIM experts employed in Costa Rica, who network closely and exchange experience. An additional CIM post is planned for 2012/13. GIZ’s activities focus on the following priority areas:

  • resource conservation and climate change
  • adaptation to climate change; marine conservation areas
  • economic development
  • good governance; monitoring and evaluation.

Costa Rica has seen positive development in recent years. Stable macroeconomic growth has brought about a general improvement in living conditions. Although the export sector has also shown encouraging signs of growth, the potential remains considerable.  See more...

SEQUA GmbH (to engage in practical vocational education and training projects)

Programmes develoPPP Overview "Entrepreneurial targets and the development goals of Germany's federal government are frequently identical. has been set up by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to support the commitment of the private sector for the benefit of individuals in development and transition countries."  is a program of the Federal Government. It provides grants for German and European companies whose entrepreneurial projects are linked with development objectives in developing and transitional countries.  See more...

DEG is a subsidiary of KfW Bankengruppe.

logo_DEG "The mission of DEG is to promote business initiative in developing and emerging market countries as a contribution to sustainable growth and improved living conditions of the local population." We support companies with global investments, export projects and imports. But we offer a lot more than just financing and the associated advisory services. The varied nature of our projects and services in all areas, combined with our commitment in numerous countries and sectors of the economy mean that we boast substantial market-specific expertise and a global network of cooperation partners. This allows us to offer services that are tailored to the needs of every area and every customer. See more...