

AMECs is here to help.

 In the next 10-20 years, Costa Rica alone will experience a 30% decrease in overall water supply in the Pacific region, with the Caribbean area experiencing flash flooding. These challenges offer an increased potential for realistic and important environmental work, in Costa Rica and in the entire region. These challenges will require intelligent solutions using the latest water saving technologies. 
  • Our mission is to provide smart, realistic and sustainable water solutions for companies and organizations of all sizes.
  • Our vision for the future is to save water, minimize water loss, making it more affordable and available to all, while reversing  the effects of climate change so that people may live in harmony with the earth for many generations to come.
Rebuilding and modernizing massive water systems offer a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to chart a sustainable, prosperous course for Costa Rica and other nations in Central America. We at Aquamark work with water agencies, business leaders, and communities to meet these challenges, implementing ingenious and creative solutions. Through capital investments, technological innovations, project management, creative financing tools, and cross-sector partnerships, it is our goal to build stronger water systems and stronger communities.
Education and training figures prominently into what we do. One of our primary goals is to help water treatment professionals learn best practices for optimizing water treatment plant performance.  We work with universities, government agencies, architects and construction professionals to help meet certification and training needs.
The following is a list of projects we have evaluated worldwide:
  • China: Reduction of Greenhouse Gases trough professional adjustment of gasoline stations for recycling of volatil Hydrocarbons
  • Central Asia: Energy Efficiency Program for the Conversation of Natural Recources and the Improvement of Living Conditions
  • Serbia: “Pigs for Kilowatt” – Prevention of Methan through the use of pig slurry for biogas production and energy supply
  • Vietnam: PoA Concept Development for small Biogas plants in SMEs for decemtral energy supply in Vietnam
  • Ukrain: trendsetting resource protection through the use of waste material of alcoholic fermentation
  • St Vincent & Grenadines: Biomass, Human and Animal Waste Treatment and Bioenergy Generation in St. Vincente and the Grenadines
  • Algeria: 50 MW Solar Tower Power Plant in Algeria (AlSol)
  • Worldwide: Preparatory Workshops for Negotiators from developing countries from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Bali Roadmap